A better tomorrow, not only
for our guests.
Our positive impacts reach far beyond our hotel walls thanks to a series of environmental, sociocultural and economical practices. And while tourism is the heart of what we do, our commitment to sustainable development in the Canary Islands is not negotiable. Because there’s one thing none of us can relax about: taking care of our planet.
Our rooms are equipped with adjustable thermostats, heat recovery systems for pools, LED lighting, and regular monitoring of energy, water, and waste to minimize environmental impact. Also, we train our staff to promote the reuse of towels and bed linens.
Read our Environmental policyCULTURAL & COMMUNITY ALLIANCES
As residents of the Canary Islands, we actively participate in our local community, promoting Canary crafts, art, and culture through partnerships and initiatives that build bridges between our guests and the local and traditional offer, letting them learn and live an authentic experience in Gran Canaria.
Read the Gold & CoolCulture agreement
and our Community policyHUMAN RIGHTS & SOCIAL COMMITMENT
Happy staff makes happy guests. At GOLD we strongly believe in protecting and supporting the rights of our employees, as well as human rights in general. As part of our commitment, we are also proud to have founded the Júnguel Sanjuán Foundation, dedicated to empowering children and youth in the Canary Islands throughout solidarity projects that improve their well-being, development and social and educational integration. Each year, we collect donations through our different hotels and, during the last year, we are pleased to say that we have raised 7.780,49€ in donations.
Read our Human Rights policy, our Social policy or learn more about Júnguel Sanjuán FoundationnPAPER-FREE & PLASTIC REDUCTION
At GOLD we only like to leave our footprint in the sand of the dunes of Maspalomas :) We are committed to reduce paper consumption to zero, optimizing time, improving data quality, digitizing relations with suppliers and offering electronic invoicing for more efficient customer service. In addition, we strive to generate as little plastic as possible. We have refillable bottles for hotel staff, we replace plastic bottles with glass bottles and use biodegradable materials in single-use containers.
We ensure proper recycling of materials such as paper, glass, plastic, cardboards, light bulbs, batteries, chemical products and more through regular training of staff and inspections.
Read our Recycling policyQUALITY POLICY
Our goal is to improve our hotel daily by providing top-quality services and unforgettable experiences for all our guests. We’re dedicated to ensuring their satisfaction and happiness throughout their stay, ensuring they feel GOLDLOVERS and choose to return to our hotel in the future.
Read our Quality policyORGANIC AMENITIES
We collaborate with ADA Cosmetics to offer organic amenities such as shower soap from sustainable agriculture and support fair trade practices. Furthermore, all hotel cleaning is done using only eco-labeled products.
At GOLD, we have received several awards, including the 'Biosphere' award, recognizing our commitment to sustainability and environmental efforts. We’d like to thank all GOLDLOVERS for being a part of this achievement and choosing us.
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Our love for the flavors of Gran Canaria goes beyond taste—it's about sustainability and supporting our local community.
Over 50% of the products served at the pool bar are local. This not only brings you the freshest and most authentic tastes of the island, but also contributes to supporting Gran Canaria's economy.GOLD&EARTH PROGRAM
At GOLD, we love taking care of our guests while also looking after the planet. That’s why we’ve created the Gold & Earth program. If you’d like to skip your daily room cleaning, just hang the Gold & Earth sign on your door.
As a thank you, we’ll give you a €4 voucher to spend on our delicious food and drinks, or, if you prefer, you can donate it to the Júnguel Sanjuan Foundation. This organization works to improve the lives of vulnerable children and young people in the Canary Islands, providing educational, social, and emotional support for a brighter future.
With this small gesture, you help us reduce water and energy consumption while making your GOLD experience even more rewarding. Ready to join our sustainable journey?